News, n. An item of news relating to the occurrence, progress, development, or happening of some event, idea, product, job, or activity. (often in a court of law) A matter of news relating to a legal proceeding, especially an application, litigation, or arbitration.
Newsgathering, also newsworthy, is an approach to business and professional organization practices in which the information supplied is used to improve decision making by informing the public of current events and trends. It is done through a range of different media, including print, broadcast, and Internet news services. In the United States, the U.S. news organizations are primarily the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and the New York Times. In Europe, similar independent media owned by private individuals or groups to gather and disseminate news stories. The term also includes reporting by alternative media such as television and radio.
These values are important to the news readers and media reporters. As a news reader, you must be receptive to what you read. It does not matter if the content is factual; the reader must perceive meaning. As a news reporter, your standards for newsworthiness should always be higher than those of other reporters. The same is true for the producers of news programs and outlets.
As we enter into a more connected world of online news, journalists are increasingly relying on social media to get the facts and information they need. Social media allows journalists to get directly to the people, giving them a voice and a unique opportunity to speak their mind. However, the spread of this kind of news across the Internet can have its downside. Social media has allowed many people to attack the businesses and brands that they choose to support. When it comes to news selection decisions, this aspect of online newsroom operations should be carefully weighed against the reputation management aspects of social media.
A closely held personal belief about the importance of a news story is an important determinant of the news value of a story. Few journalists share the same values that drive others to a different path in their news selections. For example, some journalists may have strong opinions about religion and social issues. They may view a story as relevant to their religious beliefs and may express strong support for the story, even when they believe the story does not warrant the same level of attention they would give to a different topic. Such strong beliefs in personal opinion have a tremendous impact on the newsworthiness of a story and can distort the news value if it is newsworthy.
It has been stated that most editors and newspapers “select” the stories that will be displayed instead of publishing stories from real experts on the subject. A major problem with this type of selective publishing is the lack of balance. Most newspapers and news organizations do not make enough room for all possible perspectives on any given subject matter. The result is often a slanted newsroom which only presents a skewed version of the latest events.